Which institutions and people do British think-tanks ‘talk to’ to turn
their policy ideas into influence on domestic policy? Who do they
collaborate with? What form does such communication and collaboration
take? Does it extend to organisations outside the UK at all? Hartwig
Pautz’ article attempts to give answers to these questions by using
data from a survey which he undertook in 2012. The data suggests that
while British think-tanks communicate and co-operate intensively with
some actors within the UK, contacts and cooperation with organisations
outside the UK are rather lacklustre. Particular actors are more
important for advocacy think-tanks than they are for academic
think-tanks; some actors have very little importance for either type.
Pautz cautiously presents his data as another insight into the British
think-tank landscape without claiming that his findings can be
Pautz, Hartwig. (2014) British Think-Tanks and Their Collaborative and
Communicative Networks. Politics. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9256.12056
Dieter Plehwe