Cologne Institute for Economic Research
Cologne Institute for Economic Research | |
founded in the year | 1951 |
acronym | IW |
City | Köln |
Country | Germany |
Website | |
Legal form | e.V. |
address | Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21, 50668 Köln |
founder | Arndt Günter Kirchhoff |
number of employees | 350 |
Virtual Networks A "Virtual Network" is a group of Think Tanks identified by certain semantic and normative (ideological) commonalities (e.g. climate change scepticism). Such a virtual network constitutes a research field that differs from the study of formal networks. Formal networks are real in the sense of officially acknowledged and immediately open to empirical validation. Virtual networks on the other hand display shared ideas. Social network analysis tools can be applied to find out if or to what extent virtual networks are real networks that display linkages (membership in networks, personnel, resources etc.). Unconnected think tanks in turn can be considered special cases in need of explanation independent from network structures (unless we have to assume invisible, hidden or covered ties). | Austerity politics |
Last revision | 29.05.2017 |
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Organizational Structure and Funding
The Organizational Structure is build upon 5 building blocks:
Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) and its Research Units: Knowledge generating unit (conducting research, processing data)
IW Akademie: "collaboration between the IW, the University of Cologne, the Cologne University of Applied Sciences and the Bonn Rhine-Sieg University. It offers both executive education seminars on solving the conflict between capital and conscience and a parttime course for graduates of all faculties leading to a master’s degree in Behavioural Ethics, Economics and Psychology."
IW Consult: "service provider for commissioned research and consultancy. Working at the interface between research and practice, our consultants develop strategic solutions for companies, regions, business associations, government ministries and nonprofit organisations."
IW JUNIOR: "is our specialist for addressing a younger target group. School projects impart knowledge of business and economics to a new generation and offer them first-hand experience of running a business. IW Medien offers communication and PR services. Our journalists, PR consultants, designers and internet specialists develop innovative solutions for partners and clients from business and business associations."
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21, 50668 Köln
Executive board
People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).
- Hubertus Bardt, Head of Research
- Hans-Peter Klöse, Head of Research
- Arndt Günter Kirchhoff, President
- Michael Hüther, Director
- Hans-Peter Fröhlich, Deputy Director
Advisory board
People advising the Think Tank (mainly in scientific questions)
- Carsten Stefanowski, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Vornbäumen Stahlseile GmbH & Co. KG
- Harald Bruhn, Geschäftsführer Jena-Optronik GmbH
- Utz Tillmann, Hauptgeschäftsführer Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.
- Horst Gabriel, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Ernst Ludwig Emde GmbH
- Oliver Zander, Hauptgeschäftsführer Gesamtmetall - Die Arbeitgeberverbände der Metall- und Elektro-Industrie
- Nico Fickinger, Hauptgeschäftsführer NORDMETALL - Verband der Metall- und Elektro-Industrie e.V.
- Michael Heise, Allianz SE Economic Research & Corporate Development
- Hans Jürgen Kerkhoff, Präsident und Hauptgeschäftsführer Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl
- Justus Haucap, Professor for Economics at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf and Founder od Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)
- Hartmut G. Erlinghagen, Mitglied des Management Board Merz GmbH & Co. KGaA
- Kunnibert Lennerts, Mitglied des Vorstands Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Institut für Technologie und Management im Baubetrieb Fachbereich Facility Managemen
- Peer-Michael Dick, Hauptgeschäftsführer SÜDWESTMETALL Verband der Metall- und Elektroindustrie Baden-Württemberg e.V.
- Detlef Fetchenhauer, Professor University of Cologne
- Hilmar Schneider, Founder of IZA (Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit)
- Volker Fasbender, Hauptgeschäftsführer HESSEN METALL Verband der Metall- und Elektro-Unternehmen Hessen e.V.
- Klaus-Peter Stiller, GeschäftsführerBundesarbeitgeberverband Chemie e.V
- Andreas Kern, Mitglied des Vorstands HeidelbergCement AG
- Luitwin Mallmann, Hauptgeschäftsführer METALL NRW Verband der Metall- und Elektro-Industrie Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.
- Bernd Fitzenberger, Professor Humboldt University Berlin
- Stefan Genth, Hauptgeschäftsführer HDE Handelsverband Deutschland
- Ingolf Prüfer, Global Human Resources Direktor Region 2 Deere & Company European Office
- Bertram Brossardt, Hauptgeschäftsführer VBM - Verband der Bayerischen Metall- und Elektro-Industrie e. V
- Alfred Gaffal, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates Wolf GmbH
- Klaus Huneke, Vizepräsident Gesamtverband Textil + Mode
- Christopher Grünewald, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Gebr. Grünewald GmbH & Co.KG
- Georg Müller, Bayer AG BAG-HRO HR Germany
- Karl-Heinz Paqué, Professor for Economics at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and FDP Politician
- Rainer Wobbe, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung Evonik Performance Materials GmbH
- Jutta Allmendinger, President WZB Berlin
- Botho von Schwarzkopf, Vorsitzender des Gesellschafterausschusses Pfeifer & Langen
- Günther G. Goth, Vorsitzender des Vorstandes Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V.
- Heinrich Spies, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter MAY + SPIES GmbH
- Rolf-Michael Müller, Geschäftsführer Ceram Tec GmbH
- Thorsten Diercks, Hauptgeschäftsführer Vereinigung Rohstoffe und Bergbau e. V.
Experts are not permanently employed at the Think Tank. They are paid for contract research when their expertise is needed. Some Think Tanks call a database of hundred or even more experts their own.
- Reinhard Göhner, Member of the Presidium and CEO Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände e.V.
- J. Heinr. Kramer, Vice President of the Committee and CEO Kramer Holding GmbH
- Jasmina Kirchhoff, Research Unit Public Finance, Social Security Systems, Income and Wealth Distribution
- Judith Niehues, Research Unit Public Finance, Social Security Systems, Income and Wealth Distribution
- Susanna Kochskämpfer, Research Unit Public Finance, Social Security Systems, Income and Wealth Distribution
- Tobias Hentze, Expert Public Finance, Public Debt, Social Security Systems, Income and Wealth Distribution
- Holger Schäfer, Expert Unemployment Insurance
- Hans-Dietrich Winkhaus, Honory President of the Committee; IW-President a.D.
- Markus Kerber, Member of the Presidium and CEO Bundesverband der deutschen Industrie e.V.
- Von Freyendm Eckart John, Honory President of the Committee, IW-President a.D.
- Martin Beznoska, Research Unit Public Finance, Social Security Systems, Income and Wealth Distribution
- Jochen Pipmpertz, Research Unit Public Finance, Social Security Systems, Income and Wealth Distribution
- Susanna Kochskämper, Expert Pension Insurance/Health Insurance
- Randolf Rodenstock, Vicepresident of the Committee and executive partner Optische Werke G. Rodenstock GmbH & Co. KG
- Tansu Sihlaroglu, Research Unit Public Finance, Social Security Systems, Income and Wealth Distribution
- Jochen Pimpertz, Expert Pension Insurance/Health Insurance
- Wilfried Porth, Vizepresident of the Committee and Member of the Advisory Board at Daimler AG
- Markus Beumer, Vicepresident of the Committee and Member of the Commerzbank AG Advisory Board
- Tobias Hentze, Expert Tax Policy
- Matthias Wissmann, Vicepresident of the Committee and President Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.
- Tobias Hentze, Research Unit Public Finance, Social Security Systems, Income and Wealth Distribution
- Günter Von Au, Vicepresident of the Committee and Vicepresident of Clariant SE
- Michael Hüther, Member of the Presidium and Director of Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e.V.
- Arndt Günter Kirchhoff, President and CEO of KIRCHHOFF Holding
- Matthias Wolf Mang, Vice President and treasuerer of the Committee
Working mode, goals
Mission Statement: "The Cologne Institute for Economic Research (IW) is the private economic research institute in Germany. The Institute and its subsidiaries combine research, consultancy and communication services to provide convincing solutions. We believe in Germany’s socially responsible free market economy. We are advocates of a liberal economic and social order. We work to improve understanding of how business and society function and interact and by doing so contribute to sustainable growth and long-term prosperity".
Working Mode: "Our studies, projects and policy recommendations are methodically and empirically sound, socially relevant and state-of-the-art. Our consultancy and communication services are client-oriented, creative and customised to their target group. We combine our scientific expertise, consulting and media skills to create innovative one-stop solutions for our members and clients. Our work is addressed to policy-makers, the general public, business and the scientific community."
We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.
- Labour Market
- Education
- Financial Policy
- International Trade/Globalization
- Public Finances
- Public Debt
- Public Services, Education, Basic Rights, Economy
- Energy and environment
- Wage Policy
- Enterprise and Industry
- Industrial Policy
- Behavioral Economics
- Demography
- Social Policy
- Income
- Wealth
- Private Enterprise