Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de America Latina
Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de America Latina | |
founded in the year | 2003 |
acronym | CADAL |
City | Buenos Aires |
Country | Argentina |
Website | http://www.cadal.org/ |
address | Reconquista 1056 piso 11 - 1003 - Buenos Aires (headquarter) |
Networks | Atlas Network, HACER |
Last revision | 30.03.2017 |
CADAL es una fundación privada, sin fines de lucro y a-partidaria. La misión de CADAL consiste en investigar, fomentar y apoyar el respeto a las libertades civiles, políticas y económicas.
Organizational Structure and Funding
Reconquista 1056 piso 11 - 1003 - Buenos Aires (headquarter)
Executive board
People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).
- Marcelo Loprete, Secretary and Director of advisory board (Argentina); lawyer
- María Teresa Reviriego, Treasurer
- Gabriel C. Salvia, President and General Director, Journalist
- Horacio Fernández, Coordinator of the entrepreneurial board
- Raúl Ferro, Director of Development: Content of Business News Americas (Chile)
- Patricio Navía, Director of Academic Council
- Hernán Alberro, Director of Programs
- Marisa Di Vitto, Director of Administracion and Finances
- Horacio Reyser, Vice President and Director of entrepreneurial board; entrepreneur
People working for the Think Tank (Fellows etc.). This includes also part-time employees.
- Sergio Casais, Webmaster
- Adrián Lucardi, Associate Scientist
- Verónica E. Repond, Associate Scientist
- Luis Armando Colina, Programme Assistent
Advisory board
People advising the Think Tank (mainly in scientific questions)
- Bernardo Sorj, Member (Federal University of Río de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Héctor E. Schamis, Member (Universidad de Georgetown, USA)
- Héctor Ricardo Leís, Member (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil)
- Adolfo Garcé, Member (University of Republic Uruguay)
- Marcos Novaro, Member (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Álvaro Garcé, Member (Catholic University Uruguay)
- Sérgio Fausto, Member (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
- Ricardo López Göttig, Member (University ORT, Uruguay)
- Carlos Gervasoni, Member (University Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina)
- Bernabé García Hamilton, Member (University of Palermo, Argentina)
- Jorge M. Streb, Member (Universidad del Cema, Argentina)
- Sybil Rhodes, Member (University of CEMA, Argentina)
- Romeo Pérez Antón, Member (Universitarian Institute CLAEH, Uruguay)
- Andrés Cañizález, Member (Catholic University Andrés Bello, Venezuela)
- Gonzalo Bustamante Kuschel, Member (University Adolfo Ibañez, Chile)
- Patricio Navía, Member (University Diego Portales, Chile and University New York, USA)
- Alejandro Mercado, Member (Catholic Bolivian University)
- Jorge Marshall Rivera, Member (Universidad Católica de Chile)
- Fernando J. Ruiz, Member (University Austral, Argentina)
- Carlos Sabino, Member (University Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala)
- Eduardo Viola, Member (University of Brasilia, Brazil)
Supervisory board
People supervising the Think Tank (mainly in economic questions).
- Carlos Fara, Executive Director (Argentina)
- Pablo Montaldo, Public Accountant (Uruguay)
- Christopher Sabatini, Senior Director - Council of Americas (AS-COA, USA)
- Tristán Rodríguez Loredo, Executive Director of Christian Association of Business Leaders (ACDE Argentina)
- Carlos Lauría, Content Development Manager (Chile)
- Ricardo López Göttig, Representative in Uruguay
- Carlos J. M. Facal, Lawyer (Argentina)
We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.