Centro de Investigaciones Economicas Nacionales

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Centro de Investigaciones Economicas Nacionales
founded in the year 1981
acronym CIEN
City Guatemala
Country Guatemala
Website http://www.cien.org.gt/
address 10 calle 3-17 zona 10, Edificio Aseguradora General, Nivel 5; ona Pradera, Torre 3, Oficina 904 Boulevard Los Próceres, 18 calle 24-69, zona 10 Ciudad de Guatemala
Networks Atlas Network, HACER, FIL, RELIAL
Last revision 23.01.2020

Organizational Structure and Funding


10 calle 3-17 zona 10, Edificio Aseguradora General, Nivel 5; ona Pradera, Torre 3, Oficina 904 Boulevard Los Próceres, 18 calle 24-69, zona 10 Ciudad de Guatemala


Executive board

People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).


People working for the Think Tank (Fellows etc.). This includes also part-time employees.

Advisory board

People advising the Think Tank (mainly in scientific questions)

Supervisory board

People supervising the Think Tank (mainly in economic questions).


Experts are not permanently employed at the Think Tank. They are paid for contract research when their expertise is needed. Some Think Tanks call a database of hundred or even more experts their own.

Researchers, Associate Researcher and Research Assistents see http://www.cien.org.gt/index.php/category/investigadores/investigadores-investigadores/


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.
