Property:Processing error message

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
Property "Founder" (as page type) with input value "Luis Risopatrón Renard, Fernando Álvarez de Miranda, Óscar Alzaga, José Luis Cudós Samblancat, Eduardo Frei Montalva (Chile), Luis de Grandes Pascual, José Antonio López Huerta, Rafael López Pintor, Alberto Monreal Luque, Raúl Morodo, José Luis Ruiz Navarro Gimeno, Luis Vega Escandón y Andrés Zaldívar Larraín (Chile)" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid
The "_geo" type of this property is invalid