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Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Sem field expl" with value "free market oriented design of taxation policy". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 24 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Test2694  + (adasdasda sljhlkj aslljh asdljlksjd akjaksjdh)
  • Adriatic Institute for Public Policy  + (adopts reduction of public and especially external debt according to the neoliberal reform recipes of New Zealand's 90s)
  • Institut Qualitaet in der Politik  + (aims for tax cuts to relatively expand the economic space of privates)
  • Institut Qualitaet in der Politik  + (aims for the concentration of state activities on a core of functions (security, rule of law etc.))
  • Freiheits Akademie (Oesterreich)  + (argues against the extension of the public resp. governmental economic domain, higher taxes etc.)
  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung  + (argues for a mentality of public saving)
  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung  + (argues for institutionalized budgetary discipline)
  • Forum for Greece  + (argues for the reduction of the size of the state and reforms in this vein (the referenced URL is not accessible any longer, 2015-06))
  • Romanian Center for European Policies  + (argues from demographic trends for the necessity of asset-backed pension system and higher retirement age)
  • Agenda Austria  + (as tool to limit public expenditures and press structural reforms home)
  • Hayek Institute  + (austroradicalism)
  • Centre for European Policy Studies  + (blames Greece's 'dragging of feets' for its horrendous economic performance and confirms the necessity of the tripartite austerity program as condition for a successful bailout)
  • Centro Tocqueville Acton  + (blames institutional (e.g. labor market) rigidities and high taxes for enterprises for the depth of the liquidity trap)
  • Fondation pour l'Innovation Politique  + (constitutional provision of a debt brake)
  • European Policy Center  + (critical stance to the austerity measures in the EU and their harmful effects on economic growth)
  • Management club (Austria)  + (critices the lack of sustainability of the Austrian federal budget in)
  • Institut fuer Wertewirtschaft  + (critizes the everexpanding debt and fiscal burden the state imposes on society)
  • Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe  + (defending austerity measures, against Eurobonds, for cutting social costs)
  • Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft  + (discusses debt reduction and the limitation of wages as condition for the functioning of the European Monetay Union)
  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung  + (discusses legal framework for the optimization of public expenditures and the measurement of cost benefit relations under the premise of public cost reduction)
  • Fundacja Industrial  + (elaborates on the results of demographic change and the necessity of a later retirement age, pension and budget cuts)
  • Center for Financial Stability  + (endorses the Baker plan as blueprint for solving the greek debt and Euro crisis)
  • Wilfried Martens Center for European Studies  + (fiscal consolidation by »targeting mainly public expenditures« will have expansionary effects)
  • Fundacion para el Analisis y los Estudios Sociales (FAES)  + (formerly acc-skeptical: Spain 's ex -primeformerly acc-skeptical: Spain 's ex -prime minister blasts 'new religion ' of climate change October 23, 2008 <>}, FAES published the Spanish edition of the skeptical climate book Blue Planet in Green Shackles : What Is Endangered: Climate or Freedom? authored by Vaclav Klaus, presented together by Aznar and Klaus. However FAES replied to a report in El Pais about Aznar's climate skeptic positions and distanced itself from Klaus' positions and demarcated Aznar's view as not identical with Klaus': " ... Como no podia ser de otra manera , el pensamiento vertido en el libro Planeta Azul (no verde) , pertenece en exclusiva a su autor y no a José María Aznar, tal y como publica su periódico , en un lamentable ejercicio de manipulación ..." < > . FAES published in the years 10 to 13 two studies on Spanish energy policy - Propuestas para una estrategia energética nacional 2013 octubre, 2013, Director: Miguel Marín, 259 pp., the role of renewable energy in a sustainable energy system is recognized, their promotion shall take place under economic and energy efficiency aspects. The treatment of the EE is embedded in a energy strategy directed by security of supply (in respect to the particular national interests of Spain), economic efficiency and environmental compatibility (this order).ficiency and environmental compatibility (this order).)