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A list of all pages that have property "Sem field expl" with value "critices the lack of sustainability of the Austrian federal budget in". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Liberalni Institute  + (The institute runs the project »Debtville«, which shall raise public awareness of the inflated and unsustainable public debt especially in the Czech Republic.)
  • Blaue Narzisse  + (The institution is committed to 'preserving' the 'German people' and its national identity which it sees under threat by immigration of culturally alien people. It seeks strict limitations on immigration.)
  • Wissensmanufaktur  + (The organisation claims consistently that people in Germany are manipulated in believing those things that maintain the present order.)
  • Zivile Koalition  + (The organisation criticises EMU, but also state-spending and argues for tax decreases.)
  • Wissensmanufaktur  + (The organisation is highly skeptical of the Euro and of the EU, but also of 'the state' and elites in general)
  • Zivile Koalition  + (The organisation promotes natalism in order to foster the German nation.)
  • Wissensmanufaktur  + (The organisation questions 'mainstream knowledge' and proposes 'alternative knowledge'.)
  • Timbro  + (The report 'Statlig finansiering till småfThe report 'Statlig finansiering till småföretag?' recommends the reduction of public activities in the economic sphere and a tax reform to relieve investments and comsumption. The creation of new jobs by private enterprises liberated from regulatory and fiscal restrictions is praised as high road to cope with future demographic and social challenges instead of the expansion of the welfare state.ead of the expansion of the welfare state.)
  • Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik  + (Two members of the institute signed: The OTwo members of the institute signed: The Open Letter to Attendees COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference Copenhagen 2009 - Free Trade, No Climate Taxes! <> {signatories: Dr. Tomasz Teluk, President, Globalization Institute; Prof. Zbigniew Jaworowski, President, Ecologists for Nuclear Energy; M.A., Eng. Jan Michal Malek, President, Polish-American Foundation for Economic Development (PAFERE), Member of Mont Pèlerin Society; Krystian Dąbek, Vice President and Spokesperson, KoLiber Association; Medeni Sungur, Vice Chair, 3H Movement; Peter Gonda, Economist, Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik; Radovan Kazda, Environmental policy analyst, Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik; Rachel Kania, Social Outreach Manager, Young Americans for Liberty; Doc dr eng. Andrzej Strupczewski, Vice President, Ecologists for Nuclear Energy - SEREN; Dr Tomasz Sommer, Editor and Managing Director "The Times in Now!", weekly; Dr Marcin Masny, Columnist; Arkadiusz Bińczyk, Entrepreneur; Dr Jerzy Polaczek, Editor, "Chemistry Industry Magazine”; Jerzy Majchrzak, President, Polish Chamber of Chemistry Industry; Dr Tim Evans, President, Libertarian Alliance; Hubert Jongen, Entrepreneur; Derek Bernard, Entrepreneur; Jerzy Samborski, President, European Union for Small and Medium Enterprises and Mid-Class Unicorn; Prof. Adam Wielomski, Polish Academy of Science}Prof. Adam Wielomski, Polish Academy of Science})
  • Open Europe Berlin  + (a high tax rate hinders economic growth even if the correlation is weaker than as stated by Reinhard & Rogoff)
  • Test2694  + (adasdasda sljhlkj aslljh asdljlksjd akjaksjdh)
  • Adriatic Institute for Public Policy  + (adopts reduction of public and especially external debt according to the neoliberal reform recipes of New Zealand's 90s)
  • Institut Qualitaet in der Politik  + (aims for tax cuts to relatively expand the economic space of privates)
  • Institut Qualitaet in der Politik  + (aims for the concentration of state activities on a core of functions (security, rule of law etc.))
  • Freiheits Akademie (Oesterreich)  + (argues against the extension of the public resp. governmental economic domain, higher taxes etc.)
  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung  + (argues for a mentality of public saving)
  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung  + (argues for institutionalized budgetary discipline)
  • Forum for Greece  + (argues for the reduction of the size of the state and reforms in this vein (the referenced URL is not accessible any longer, 2015-06))
  • Romanian Center for European Policies  + (argues from demographic trends for the necessity of asset-backed pension system and higher retirement age)
  • Agenda Austria  + (as tool to limit public expenditures and press structural reforms home)
  • Hayek Institute  + (austroradicalism)
  • Centre for European Policy Studies  + (blames Greece's 'dragging of feets' for its horrendous economic performance and confirms the necessity of the tripartite austerity program as condition for a successful bailout)
  • Centro Tocqueville Acton  + (blames institutional (e.g. labor market) rigidities and high taxes for enterprises for the depth of the liquidity trap)
  • Fondation pour l'Innovation Politique  + (constitutional provision of a debt brake)
  • European Policy Center  + (critical stance to the austerity measures in the EU and their harmful effects on economic growth)
  • Institut fuer Wertewirtschaft  + (critizes the everexpanding debt and fiscal burden the state imposes on society)
  • Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe  + (defending austerity measures, against Eurobonds, for cutting social costs)
  • Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft  + (discusses debt reduction and the limitation of wages as condition for the functioning of the European Monetay Union)
  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung  + (discusses legal framework for the optimization of public expenditures and the measurement of cost benefit relations under the premise of public cost reduction)
  • Fundacja Industrial  + (elaborates on the results of demographic change and the necessity of a later retirement age, pension and budget cuts)
  • Center for Financial Stability  + (endorses the Baker plan as blueprint for solving the greek debt and Euro crisis)
  • Wilfried Martens Center for European Studies  + (fiscal consolidation by »targeting mainly public expenditures« will have expansionary effects)
  • Fundacion para el Analisis y los Estudios Sociales (FAES)  + (formerly acc-skeptical: Spain 's ex -primeformerly acc-skeptical: Spain 's ex -prime minister blasts 'new religion ' of climate change October 23, 2008 <>}, FAES published the Spanish edition of the skeptical climate book Blue Planet in Green Shackles : What Is Endangered: Climate or Freedom? authored by Vaclav Klaus, presented together by Aznar and Klaus. However FAES replied to a report in El Pais about Aznar's climate skeptic positions and distanced itself from Klaus' positions and demarcated Aznar's view as not identical with Klaus': " ... Como no podia ser de otra manera , el pensamiento vertido en el libro Planeta Azul (no verde) , pertenece en exclusiva a su autor y no a José María Aznar, tal y como publica su periódico , en un lamentable ejercicio de manipulación ..." < > . FAES published in the years 10 to 13 two studies on Spanish energy policy - Propuestas para una estrategia energética nacional 2013 octubre, 2013, Director: Miguel Marín, 259 pp., the role of renewable energy in a sustainable energy system is recognized, their promotion shall take place under economic and energy efficiency aspects. The treatment of the EE is embedded in a energy strategy directed by security of supply (in respect to the particular national interests of Spain), economic efficiency and environmental compatibility (this order).ficiency and environmental compatibility (this order).)
  • Institute for Research on Economic and Fiscal Issues  + (free market oriented design of taxation policy)
  • Galician Society for Freedom and Democracy  + (on sub/optimal methods to reduce public exon sub/optimal methods to reduce public expenditures - The author of the referenced article, Eduardo L. Giménez-Fernández, critizes the pay cuts for public servants as counterproductive but subscribes to the objective of budget consolidation by expenditure consolidation by expenditure reduction.)
  • Forum for Reforms, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (FORES)  + (optimizing the conditions for entrepreneurial activities and startups is essential for escaping the crisis, central for this is reduced taxation and correcting labor market rigidities)
  • EcoAustria  + (positive effects and desirability of a constitutional provision)
  • Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance  + (postulates the optimality of institutional constraints to electors bias for expansionary budgetary politics)
  • Policy Exchange  + (proposes to implement a strict rule to reduce the debt/GDP-ratio on regular base)
  • Freiheits Akademie (Oesterreich)  + (reasons for and demands reductions of public pension payments)
  • Fondazione Respublica  + (reduce public debt through expenditure cuts in favor of expanded consumption and investments)
  • European Enterprise Institute  + (reduction of public guaranteed or funded pension costs)
  • European Center of Austrian Economics Foundation  + (reflects on narrower limits of public assignments)
  • Magna Carta Foundation  + (requests the abatement of the tax burden by introduction of a flat tax)
  • Fundacja Klub Obywatelski  + (see 'ad austerity')
  • Reform  + (states greater expansion of public debt in recessions than shrinking during growth, proposes a independent body with veto power to control the budgetary process)
  • Wetenschappelijk Instituut voor het CDA  + (strengthen the capital covered pillar of the pensions system)
  • Hanns Seidel Stiftung  + (strengthening the SGP by creating instruments to enforce its rules)
  • Fondation Robert Schuman  + (the budgetary process of the EU should be used as instrument for savings)
  • Fundacion para el Analisis y los Estudios Sociales (FAES)  + (the deficit crisis has to be resolved through budget cuts and the economic activity stired by tax reduction)