Watrin, Christian

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Watrin, Christian
Gender male
Academic title Prof. Dr.
Leading employee in Hayek-Gesellschaft, Mont Pelerin Society
Staff member in Hayek Institute
Member in Ludwig Erhard Foundation
Advisory Board member in Aktionsgemeinschaft Soziale Marktwirtschaft, Friedrich August von Hayek-Stiftung für eine freie Gesellschaft, Hayek Institute, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie

Christian Watrin is a member of the advisory board of the Hayek Institute.

Influence fields of Person

In this section we try to document where the person has which influence.

Leading employee in academia

Consultant in the politics sphere

  • http://www.bmbf.de (1987-1992), Chairman of the academic council of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Editor in academia

Employee in academia sphere
