Barcz, Jan
Barcz, Jan | |
Gender | male |
Academic title | Prof. |
(Other) employerNot all of the people we document here at TTNI are employed at the Think Tank: typically members of advisory boards for example wont get paid. The term (Other) employer is therefore a bit misleading. | Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management in Warsaw |
Staff member in | Polish Institute for International Relations |
Subject of study | Law |
Topics | Company Law, Economic Policy, European Affairs |
Barcz is a professor who is often cited in media and used to be active in politics.
In this section we list interesting things that still have to be researched further, or that do not fit into the other sections.
Barcz' wikipedia entry
Influence fields of Person
In this section we try to document where the person has which influence.
Leading employee in academia
- (2000-2007), Professor and Head of the European Law Section at Warsaw School of Economics
- (since 2007), Head of the Department of International Law and European Law at Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management in Warsaw
-, Professor at Chodkowska University
Leading employee in politics
- en (2000-2001), Director of the European Union Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- en, Director of the Political Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
- en (1995-1999), Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Austria in Vienna
Consultant in the politics sphere
-, Biuro Analiz Sejmowych (Bureau of the Analyses of the Sejm)
-, Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów (Chancellary of the Prime Minister)
-, Komitet Prognoz "Polska 2000 Plus"
- kwestii przedstawionych przez Komitet Doradczy Konwencji ramowej o ochroni.html, Doradczy Komitet Prawny (Advisory Legal Committee)
Editor in the Think Tank sphere
- Polish Institute for International Relations, editor in a cientific magazine Sprawy Międzynarodowe
Editor in academia
-, member of the editorial board of the cientific magazine "Przegląd Zachodni"
-, member of the editorial board of a monthly scientific magazine "Państwo i Prawo"
Interviewed in media sphere
-, quite frequently cited in "Polityka"
-, quite frequently cited in "Wprost"
-, often cited in "Rzeczpospolita"
Membership in the academia sphere
-, member of Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Employee in Think Tank sphere
- Polish Institute for International Relations (1984-1992), employee of the Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych (Polish Institute for International Relations)
Lecturer in academia sphere
- (1991-1992; 2000-2004), Lecturer at the National School of Public Administration (Krajowa Szkoła Administracji Publicznej)
Notes on the influence fields
Often people are present in various fields, but there presence can't be connected to specific actors (e.g. it is often senseless to connect the media presence of politicians to particular newspapers). We use this section to document these unspecific, but nonetheless important presences.
title={Zasady ustrojowe Unii Europejskiej}, author={Barcz, J.}, year={2009}, publisher={Inst. Wydawn. EuroPrawo}
- @book{barcz2011dwadziescia,
title={Dwadzie{\'s}cia lat stosunk{\'o}w Polski ze zjednoczonymi Niemcami, budowanie podstaw prawnych: traktat"" 2+ 4"", traktat o potwierdzeniu granicy polsko-niemieckiej, traktat o dobrym s{\k{a
siedztwie i wsp{\'o}{\l}pracy, pomoc dla ofiar prze{\'s}ladowania nazistowskiego,"" roszczenia niemieckie"" wobec Polski},
author={Barcz, J.}, year={2011}, publisher={Dom Wydawniczy"" Elipsa""}
- @article{barcz2011konsolidacja,
title={KONSOLIDACJA GRUPY EURO: UMOCNIENIE EFEKTYWNO{\'S}CI UNII CZY GRO{\'Z}BA JEJ FRAGMENTACJI? ASPEKTY PRAWNE I INSTYTUCJONALNE}, author={Barcz, J.}, journal={Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny}, volume={73}, number={2}, pages={19--41}, year={2011}
- @book{barcz2010unia,
title={Unia Europejska na rozstajach, Traktat z Lizbony: dynamika i g{\l}{\'o}wne kierunki reformy ustrojowej}, author={Barcz, J.}, year={2010}, publisher={Inst. Wydawn. EuroPrawo}
- @book{barcz2009instytucje,
title={Instytucje i prawo Unii Europejskiej: podr{\k{e}}cznik dla kierunk{\'o}w zarz{\k{a}}dzania i administracji}, author={Barcz, J. and G{\'o}rka, M. and Wyrozumska, A.}, year={2009}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Prawnicze LexisNexis}
- @article{barcz2010polska,
title={Polska w systemie instytucjonalnym nowej Unii Europejskiej. Pr{\'o}ba identyfikacji problem{\'o}w}, author={Barcz, J.}, journal={Sprawy Mi{\k{e}}dzynarodowe}, number={2}, pages={41}, year={2010}
- @article{barcz2009dlugi,
title={D{\l}ugi cie{\'n} historii. W sprawie postanowienia Europejskiego Trybuna{\l}u Praw Cz{\l}owieka z 7 pa{\'z}dziernika 2008 r.}, author={Barcz, J.}, journal={Sprawy Mi{\k{e}}dzynarodowe}, number={1}, pages={45}, year={2009}
- @article{pan2009polish,
title={Polish bibliography of international law, 2009}, author={PAN, I.N.P.}, journal={Polish Yearbook of International Law}, number={29}, pages={239}, year={2009}
- @book{barcz2009fundamental,
title={Fundamental rights protection in the European Union}, author={Barcz, J.}, year={2009}, publisher={Wydawnictwo CH Beck}
- @article{barcz2010poland,
title={Poland in the Institutional System of the New European Union: Attempt at Identifying Problems}, author={Barcz, J.}, journal={The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs}, number={2}, pages={37}, year={2010}
- @article{barcz2009long,
title={Long Shadow of History: On the Decision of the European Court of Human Rights of 7 October 2008}, author={Barcz, J.}, journal={The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs}, number={1}, pages={43}, year={2009}
- @article{barcz2009eu,
title={EU Reform and the Financial Crisis}, author={Barcz, J.}, journal={Yearbook of Polish European Studies}, number={12}, pages={13}, year={2009}
- "
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