Atlas Initiative für Recht und Freiheit e.V.

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Atlas Initiative für Recht und Freiheit e.V.
founded in the year 2019
acronym Atlas Initiative
City Frankfurt am Main
Country Germany
Legal form e.V.
address Bockenheimer Landstr. 101; 60325 Frankfurt am Main
founder Markus Krall
Last revision 5.05.2020
Presence of Think Tank affiliates in the various fieldsWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows in which fields the affiliates are present. Every presence is counted once.
People n = 1
Presences n = 4
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>

Think Tank,1 Business,2 Media,0 Politics,1 Academia,0 NGO,0 </pPie>

Kind of activities of Think Tank affiliatesWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows which kind of activities the affiliates conduct. Every presence is counted once.
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>

Author,0 Leader (CEO etc.),2 Consultant,0 Editor,0 Interviewee,1 Member,0 Participant,0 Lecturer,0 Employee,1 </pPie>

The following coordinate was not recognized: 50.119430; 8.656980.The following coordinate was not recognized: 50.119430; 8.656980. The Atlas Initiative is an association which was founded by Dr. Markus Krall in 2019, is entered in the Frankfurt register of associations and has been recognised as a non-profit organisation.

In July 2019 he presented the association in a meeting at the Hayek Foundation in Münster.

Organizational Structure and Funding

Application for membership


Bockenheimer Landstr. 101; 60325 Frankfurt am Main


Executive board

People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).

Working mode, goals

The Atlas Initiative advocates an order based on the liberal principles of a free and social market economy and a focusing of the state on its core tasks. This also applies to monetary policy, whose politicisation and fiscal orientation the Atlas Initiative rejects. The Atlas Initiative defends the traditional image of the family as the nucleus of the state and society, as expressly called for in the Basic Law. The Atlas Initiative calls for a reform of the European Union in terms of strengthening subsidiarity, democratic control, debureaucratisation, the primacy of the rule of law and respect for the diversity of the nations participating in it. The Atlas Initiative calls for migration policy to be aligned with current law and thus for an end to immigration not covered by law.

Dr Makrus Krall: "In this organization we strive for a very massive campaigning capability, something that is lacking at the moment on the liberal-conservative side of the Federal Republic of Germany - a very beautiful socialist republic. And how can we achieve this? We want to build a large network where everyone can register." From the transcript of Minute 5:05 ( Original quote: Wir streben in dieser Organisation nach einer ganz massiven Kampagnenfähigkeit, das ist das was es im Moment mangelt auf der liberal-konservativen Bundesrepublik Deutschland in der sehr schönen sozialistischen Republik. Und wie wollen sie das erreichen? Wir wollen einmal ein großes Netzwerk bauen, wo sich jeder anmelden kann.


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.

  • Liberalism
  • conservatism


This section is used to note presumptions that need further investigation, as well as things that don't fit into other sections.

At the end of February 2020 the blog (fb: was migrated to the Homepage Atlas Initiative. A click on Adpunktum leads to the news there. Adpunktum is a Wordpress blog, set up in 2013, which lay idle until February 2017 and started in March 2017 with an average of 10 to 15 articles per day, representing Markus Krall's opinion. There are articles against the financial policy of the ECB and the Merkel government, several articles in English and in February several articles about the MP election in Thüringen, Germany.
