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Executive Board Member  +
Adviser Argentina Rural Society  +
Adviser to Argentina Chamber of Commerce  +
Member of the Council of the Liberal Libertario Party  +
Canal 6 Navarra, local TV channel  +
European Resource Bank  +
CEO, Draftfcb Kobza, an advertizing agency  +
Guest comment, "Wirtschaftsblatt", Austrian newspaper  +
Economic advisor to the Vice-chancelor and Minister for Foreign Affairs as well as the Chancelor of the Republic of Austria  +
Business Europe, an employers' organization  +
Die Presse, Austrian newspaper  +
Attaché for Industry and Trade, Permanent Representation of Austria at the European Union  +
Secretary general, Federation of Austrian Industries (IV)  +
Austrian Economic Chamber (WKO)  +
Since 2004 Bielan is member of the European Parliament. He was elected for [ Law and Justice], then became a member of [ Poland Comes First] and is currently non-affiliated.  +
Bielan was head of Lech Kaczyński's presidential campaign in 2005.  +
Bielan was a member of the Polish Parliament from 1997 to 2004.  +
Professor at the Faculty of Law of the [ University of Bucharest]  +
Honorific member of the Romanian Bars Association  +