Fiala, Petr
Fiala, Petr | |
Gender | male |
Academic title | Prof. Dr. |
(Other) employerNot all of the people we document here at TTNI are employed at the Think Tank: typically members of advisory boards for example wont get paid. The term (Other) employer is therefore a bit misleading. | Ministry of Education |
Leading employee in | Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture |
Topics |
Prof. Dr. Petr Fiala is the president of the Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture (CDK)
Influence fields of Person
In this section we try to document where the person has which influence.
Leading employee in academia
- (2004-2011 and 2011-2012), Rector and prorector of the Masaryk University
Leading employee in politics
- (2009-2011), President of the Czech Rectors Conference
- (since 2012), Minister for Education
Author for Think Tank
- Centre for the Study of Democracy and Culture, regular commentary in CDK's magazine 'Kontexty'
Consultant in the politics sphere
- (2011-2012), Chief scientific adviser of the Prime Minister of Czech Republic
Employee in academia sphere
- (since 2002), Professor and Jean Monet Chair at the Department of European Studies and International Relations at Masaryk University
Notes on the influence fields
Often people are present in various fields, but there presence can't be connected to specific actors (e.g. it is often senseless to connect the media presence of politicians to particular newspapers). We use this section to document these unspecific, but nonetheless important presences.
@article{valterova2010zdravotni, title={Zdravotn{\'i} politika}, author={Valterov{\'a}, A. and Bal{\'i}k, S. and C{\'i}sa{\v{r
, O. and Fiala, P.}, year={2010}, publisher={Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury}} ; @misc{fiala2009europeanization, title={Europeanization of Czech Interest Groups}, author={Fiala, P. and Hlou{\v{s}}ek, V. and Krpec, O. and Pitrov{\'a}, M.}, year={2009}, publisher={Brno}} ; @inbook{fiala2011europaische, title={Europ{\"a}ische Integration und Pflege der Demokratie}, author={Fiala, P.}, editor={Bandelow, Nils C.-Hegenlich, Simon.}, booktitle={Pluralismus-Strategien-Entscheidungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag}, pages={268--285}, year={2011}} ; @article{fiala2012english, title={Katholischer Glaube als Identifikatiossymbol im heutigen Europa}, author={Fiala, P. and Matu{\v{s}}inov{\'a}, A.}, journal={Die Liechtenstein: Kontinuit{\"a}ten - Diskontinuit{\"a}ten}, year={2012}} ; @inbook{fiala2011europa, title={Europa i znuzenie Okcydentu}, author={Fiala, P.}, editor={Krutilek, O. and A. Wolek}, booktitle={Bezplodny Sojusz? Polska i Czechy w Unii Europejskiej}, pages={51--73}, year={2011}} ; @inbook{fiala2009teorie, title={Teorie a anal{\'y}zy evropeizace politick{\'y}ch stran a z{\'a}jmov{\'y}ch skupin}, author={Fiala, P., V. Hlousek and P. Suchy}, editor={P. Fiala et. al.}, booktitle={Evropeizace z{\'a}jmu. Politick{\'{e}} strany a z{\'a}jmov{\'{e}} skupiny v Cesk{\'{e}} republice}, publisher={muni press}, year={2009}} ; @inbook{fiala2009prosazovani, title={Prosazov{\'a}ní z{\'a}jmu v Evropsk{\'{e}} unii}, author={Fiala, P. and M. Pitrova}, editor={P. Fiala et. al.}, booktitle={Evropeizace z{\'a}jmu. Politick{\'{e}} strany a z{\'a}jmov{\'{e}} skupiny v Cesk{\'{e}} republice}, publisher={muni press}, year={2009}} ; @inproceedings{fiala2009politologie, title={Politologie v kontextu v{\'y}zkumn{\'{e}} a vzdel{\'a}vací politiky v Cesk{\'{e}} republice}, author={Fiala, P.}, editor={Cabada, L. and H. Hricov{\'a}}, booktitle={ IV. Kongres cesk{\'y}ch politologu, Plzen}, year={2009}} ; @article{fiala2009labor, title={Labor der S{\"a}kularisierung. Kirche und Religion in Tschechien}, author={Fiala, P.}, journal={Osteuropa}, volume={59}; number={6}; pages={93--100}, year={2009}} ; @article{fiala2009lachiesa, title={ La Chiesa e i due stati. Identita nazionale e appartenenza religiosa}, author={Fiala, P. and S. Balik}, journal={il Regno}, volume={54}; number={10}; pages={308--310}, year={2009}} ; @book{fiala2010evropsky, title={Evropsk{\`y} mezi{\v{c}}as: nov{\'{e}} ot{\'a}zky evropsk{\'{e}} integrace}, author={Fiala, P.}, year={2010}, publisher={Barrister \& Principal}} ; @book{pitrova2009evropska, title={ Evropsk{\'a} unie}, author={M. Pitrova and P. Fiala}, year={2009}, publisher={Barrister \& Principal}} ; @inbook{fiala2010vysokoskolska, title={Vysoko{\v{s}}kolsk{\'a} a v{\'y}zkumn{\'a} politika}, author={Fiala, P. and J. Nantl}, editor={Balik, S. et. al.}, booktitle={ Verejn{\'{e}} politiky v {\v{C}}esk{\'{e}} republice v letech 1989-2009}, publisher={CDK}, year={2011}} ; @inbook{fiala2011integration, title={Integration, Legitimit{\"a}t und demokratischer Entscheidungsprozess}, author={Fiala, P.}, editor={Bandelow, N. and S. Hegenlich}, booktitle={Pluralismus - Strategien - Entscheidungen}, publisher={VS Verlag}, year={2011}} ; @inbook{fiala2011europaische, title={ Europ{\"a}ische Integration und Pflege der Demokratie}, author={Fiala, P}, editor={{\"O}sterreichische Kommision Iustitia et Pax}, booktitle={Solidarit{\"a}t in Europa}, publisher={{\"O}sterreichische Kommision Iustitia et Pax}, year={2009}};