Financial and Economic crises
I. Questions
1. Which positions were taken on the financial crisis?
- regarding its causes
- regarding measures to manage the crisis taken on by governments
- which fundamental conclusions are drawn from the financial crisis
2. What is the intented goal of a certain line of argument regarding the financial crisis?
- adovacating/ defending ideological positions (more market less government) (Hayek-Gesellschaft, Germany; Hayek-Institute, Belgium)
- evaluation of/ influence on government measures (e.g. Thomas More, Belgium)
- financial crisis is regarded secondary in the context of other reform efforts (Stiftung Marktwirtschaft, perhaps Avenir Suisse)
2a. are adjacent themes to the crisis discourse discussed, e.g. questions of morality and markets, the issue of bonus payments (legitimity of such incentives)
3. Has the position been developed within the internal work context (CEP) or were external sources mobilized for publications (e.g. INSM, Hayekgesellschaft)
4. Is the position authoritative (influential authority of institutes and people; The Hayek-Institute, e.g. seems to have published the highest quantaty of papers regarding the financial crisis. Those publications, however, resemble rather short columns without analytical draught.
5. are current developments discusssed (at the time: bailout measures, economic stimulus packages, Greek debt crisis, surge of public debt)
6. Suggestions of measures for budgetary control
7. What kind of network structures (via people) and Isotopes (thematic) can be identified?
II. Procedure
1. The following think tanks in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Great Britain will be considered.
- Institut Hayek
- Institut Molinari
- Thomas More Institute
- von-Mises Institute Europa
- WorkForAll
- Center for European Policy
- Council on Public Policy
- Hayek-Gesellschaft
- Walter Eucken Institut
- Avenir Suisse
- Institut Constant de Rebecque
- Liberales Institut
- BNEGroup
- Centre for European Reform (CER)
- Centre for Policy Studies
- Policy Exchange
- Politeia
- Reform
- Stockholm Network
2. Reference for analysis is an article by Wohlgemuth (WEI), Straubhaar (HWWI), Zweyner (Wilhelm Röpke Institut, HWWI Jena): Rückkehr des Keynesianismus: Anmerkungen aus ordnungspolitischer Sicht