Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)

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Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)
founded in the year 1947
acronym FES
City Bonn
Country Germany
Legal form Association
address Godesberger Allee 149, 53175 Bonn
Networks Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), Think Tank, European Network of Political Foundations (ENOP)
Last revision 5.05.2015
Presence of Think Tank affiliates in the various fieldsWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows in which fields the affiliates are present. Every presence is counted once.
People n = 1
Presences n = 18
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>

Think Tank,4 Business,0 Media,4 Politics,3 Academia,6 NGO,1 </pPie>

Kind of activities of Think Tank affiliatesWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows which kind of activities the affiliates conduct. Every presence is counted once.
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>

Author,4 Leader (CEO etc.),0 Consultant,3 Editor,0 Interviewee,2 Member,6 Participant,0 Lecturer,0 Employee,3 </pPie>

The following coordinate was not recognized: 50.702506;7.134844.The following coordinate was not recognized: 50.702506;7.134844.
The FES is the educational and scientific party foundation the Social Democratic Party. It operates in the formal framework political education financed by the federal state. So it gets the by far greatest part of its funding in significant part out of the coffers of the federal parliament and the states. It aims to the renewal of social democracy and creation of social and economic justice, the social dimension of globalization, the intensification of the dialogue between the state and trade unions and the promotion of political participation and civic cohesion. It awards scholarships for students and graduates, and organizes public events publishes books, studies and analyses. By staff and financial backing it is the largest political foundation in Germany as well as by far the largest of the FEPS network. Connected to the SPD it is but organisationally independent and has the legal form of a registered association.

Organizational Structure and Funding

Its operations are overseen by a board of 11 people, final decisions and the election of the board are down to the general assembly of now 132 people (effective 2015/05). Members of the association are coopted resp. approved by the general assembly itself to safeguard the stability of the political orientation.

There are five main departments

  • political operations and advice (with the subdivisions: political academy, political dialogue & social and economic policy)
  • international cooperation (with the subdivisions: international development cooperation & international dialogue)
  • scientific work (with the subdivisions: scholarships & archive of the social democracy)
  • administration

The subdivision social and economic policy organizes eight working groups and the managerial circle of the FES (Managerkreis der FES). The working groups are on:

  • labour, work and qualification
  • health policy and old-age security
  • trade unions
  • sustainable structure policy
  • migration and integration
  • consumers and small firm sector
  • mobility and urban development + tax policy
  • economic and financial policy + foreign trade


Godesberger Allee 149, 53175 Bonn


Executive board

People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).


People working for the Think Tank (Fellows etc.). This includes also part-time employees.

Supervisory board

People supervising the Think Tank (mainly in economic questions).


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.

The listing of topics the FES works on can be thought as exhaustive.
