Fondation Copernic
Fondation Copernic | |
founded in the year | 1998 |
City | Paris |
Country | France |
Website | |
address | BP 32—75921 Paris cedex 19 |
Networks | Transform! |
Last revision | 7.06.2015 |
The following coordinate was not recognized: 48.858706;2.347424.The following coordinate was not recognized: 48.858706;2.347424.
It works at putting back together again everything that liberalism has weakened or dismantled. Carefully guarding its independence and thus not taking sides in electoral campaigns, Copernic is affiliated with no political party, trade union, or association, but addresses itself to all political organisations, trade unions and associations as well as to all those women and men who have not acquiesced in the neoliberal order.
No street address is given, so we choose for the map display the coordinates of the centrally located station de Châtelet - Les Halles.
Organizational Structure and Funding
BP 32—75921 Paris cedex 19
Executive board
People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).
- Corinne Morel-Darleux, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Louis-Marie Barnier, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Marc Mangen, co-treasurer
- Stéphanie Treillet, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Evelyne Sire-Marin, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Francis Parny, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Ugo Palheta, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Olivier Michel, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Sandra Demarcq, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Camille Jouve, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Pierre Khalfa, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Vanina Guidicelli, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Jérô Gleizes, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Jacques Rigaudiat, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Didier Gélot, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Michel Rousseau, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Guillaume Etievant, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Sandra Rigoni, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Jean Malifaud, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Gaelle Rougerie, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Patrick Le Moal, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Janette Habel, co-president
- Willy Pelletier, general director
- Pierre Baton, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Laurent Garrouste, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Alain Lipietz, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Philippe Sultan, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Pierre Khalfa, co-president
- Hélène Adam, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Anny Fradin, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Sabine Salmon, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Christiane Marty, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Willy Pelletier, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Marc Mangenot, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Claude Debons, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Caroline Mécary, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Louis Weber, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Caroline Guibet-Lafaye, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Janette Habel, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Josiane Boutet, member of the Bureau de la Fondation
- Claire Le Strat, general director
- Michel Rousseau, co-treasurer
Advisory board
People advising the Think Tank (mainly in scientific questions)
- Charlotte Rios, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Sabine Salmon, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Marc Mangenot, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Hélène Adam, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Evelyne Sire-Marin, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Camille Jouve, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Elizabeth Gauthier, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Blaise Magnin, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Marc Gicquel, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Christiane Marty, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Janette Habel, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Guillaume Etievant, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Sandra Demarcq, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Gérard Filoche, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Eric Beynel, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Claire Le Strat, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Stéphanie Treillet, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Jean-Marie Harribey, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Nicolas Benies, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Patrick Simon, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Catherine Bloch-London, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Michel Rousseau, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Jacques Rigaudiat, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Patrick Silberstein, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Anny Fradin, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Thierry Lescant, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Gaëlle Rougerie, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Lilian Mathieu, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Rémi Lefebvre, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Jérô Gleizes, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Francis Parny, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Sandra Rigoni, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Anne Le Strat, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Louis Weber, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Philippe Sultan, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Francine Bavay, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Michel Husson, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Josiane Boutet, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Caroline Guibet-Lafaye, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Bernard Lacroix, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Michel Bianco, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Marcel Touati, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Violaine Roussel, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Guillaume Cautel, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Gérard Gourguechon, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Pierre Khalfa, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Sabine Toursel, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Marie-Noëlle Lienemann, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Roger Martelli, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
- Valérie Haudiquet, member of Conseil d'Orientiation
We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.
Signatories of the founding declaration were: Abel, Jean-David; Adam, Etienne; Aguiton, Christophe; Ajzenberg, Armand; Alaux, Jean-Pierre; Alexandre, Hervé; Alfonsi, Gilles; Amara, Jean-Claude; Amin, Samir; Amirshahi, Pouria; Andreani, Tony; Annen, Paule; Aounit, Mouloud; Archimbaud, Aline; Archimbaud, Jacques; Aries, Paul; Arneguy, Janie; Artous, Antoine; Assouline, Daniel; Autain, Clémentine; Aymard, Philippe; Balbastre, Gérard; Barbarant, Jean-Claude; Barrere, Christian; Barroux, Rémi; Baumel, Laurent; Bavay, Francine; Beau, Michel; Beaujouan, Cécile; Beauvais, Jean-Pierre; Benhelal, Nadia; Benies, Nicolas; Bennhamias, Jean-Luc; Benot, Yves; Bensaid, Daniel; Berger, Denis; Berland, Jean-Louis; Bertho, Alain; Bidet, Jacques; Bihr, Alain; Billard, Martine; Biondi, Jean-Pierre; Bleitrach, Danièle; Boccara, Paul; Bock, Michel; Bohner, Gérard; Boilaroussie, Jean-Jacques; Bonnafe, Lucien; Boual, Jean-Claude; Bourderon, Roger; Boursier, Philippe; Boutet, Josiane; Braouezec, Patrick; Brard, Jean-Pierre; Bravo, Carlos; Breton, Philippe; Briand, Nicolas; Brugie, Jean; Camard, Sophie; Campinchi, Philippe; Casanova, Antoine; Castel, Robert; Catonne, Jean-Philippe; Cazetien, André; Chailan, Philippe; Chaouat, Gérard; Charlot, Bernard; Chemillier, Monique-Gendreau; Cisse, Madjiguène; Clancier, Sylvestre; Clavel, Jean; Clement, Carine; Cloarec, Jacques; Clot, Yves; Cohen, Patrice-Seat; Cologan, Mathieu; Combesque, Marie-Agnès; Commaret, Jacques; Comte, Francine; Confortes, Claude; Corbiere, Alexis; Corbin, Stéphane; Corcuff, Philippe; Cotton, Jean-Pierre; Couderc, Amaury; Coupe, Annick; Cours, Pierre-Salies; Cremieux, Robert; Crinon, Monique; Czal, Danièle; Daeninckx, Didier; Dalberto, Bruno; Debons, Claude; Debourdeau, Jean-Pierre; Dechot, André; Deleage, Jean-Paul; Della Sudda, François; Deloche, Guy; Delpas, Karyn; Delphy, Christine; Deluchat, André; Depaquit, Serge; Desachy, Julien; Descolonges, Michèle; Descormes, Michel; Desir, Harlem; Desme, Daniel; Dessenne, Michèle; Dethyre, Richard; Dias, Pascal; Dimicoli, Yves; Di, Renato Ruzza; Dreano, Bernard; Dreyfus, Michel; FrançDu, ois Castel; Dubois, Jean-Pierre; Dubost, Jean; François, Dufour; Durand, Jean-Pierre; Ernis, Michèle; Esmiol, Roger; Eyrault, Jean-Baptiste; Fanaud, Jean-Jacques; Filoche, Gérard; Fontenis, Georges; Fourest, Alain; Fourgeaud, Jean-Paul; Franjou, Patrick; Friot, Bernard; Gagna, Jean-Claude; Galut, Yann; Gardey, Delphine; Gatignon, Stéphane; Gauthey, Marcel; Geay, Bertrand; Genet, Raymond; FrançGiboteau, oise; Gicquel, Marc; Gillet, Stéphane; Girault, Jacques; Gloeckle, Claude; Goldberg, Serge; Goldman, Annie; Gollac, Michel; Goude, Philippe; Gourguechon, Gérard; Grimberg, Edmond; Guibert, Dominique; Guichard, Serge; Guintrand, Thierry; Habel, Janette; Halimi, Gisèle; FrançHannoyer, ois; Hassoun, Jacques; Hassoun, Pascale; Herboux, Marie-Claude; Hermier, Guy; Hirata, Helena; Hocquard, Jean-Jacques; Hourcade, Phillipe; Hucault, Christophe; Huet, Vincent; Husson, Michel; Imbert, Pierre-André; Ingarao, Maud; Jacob, Francis; Jacot, Henri; Jean, Rémy; Johsua, Isaac; Johsua, Samuel; Joseph, Pascal; Juffe, Michel; Jullien, Vincent; Kahn, Marcel-Francis; Katz, Gilles; Kergoat, Danièle; Kergoat, Jacques; Kergoat, Prisca; Khalfa, Pierre; Labica, Georges; Lacelle, Jean-Christophe; Lada, Pierre; Lafontaine, Thomas; Lagache, Richard; Lanfrey, Jean-Pierre; Lanoizelez, Jean-Michel; Laroussinie, François; Laurent, Michel; Leblanc, Dominique; Leclerc, Henri; Le Crosnier, Hervé; Lefort, Jean-Claude; Lemaire, Jean-Pierre; Leneveu, Claude; Lequenne, Michel; Le, Claire Strat; Leterrier, Jean-Michel; Liebault, Nicolas; Linhart, Danièle; Linhart, Robert; Lipietz, Alain; Loi, Michèle; MichaëLowy, l; Magniadas, Jean; Maillard, Alain; Maillet, Patrick; Malberg, Henri; Maler, Henri; Mangenot, Marc; Mangeot, Philippe; Marger, Pierre-Louis; Marquis, Eric; Martelli, Roger; Martinez, Lionel; Massiah, Gus; Maurel, Emmanuel; Moulierboutang, Yann; Meot, Thierry; Merieux, Roland; Messaoudi, Samia; Meynaud, Hélène; Michel, Andrée; Millot, Nadine; Molinier, Claude; Monnier, Jean-Marie; Monteux, Daniel; Morder, Robi; Mouriaux, René; Mousel, Michel; Mutin, Marie-Thérèse; Najman, Maurice; Narritsens, André; Normand, Gaël; Orain, Hélène; Osmond, Eric; Wolf, Frieder Otto; Ourman, Daniel; Outin, Bernard; Pailler, Aline; Paradis, Emmanuelle; Patry, Marie-Thérèse; Pechoux, Philippe; Pelletier, Willy; Pennetier, Claude; Pennetier, Alain; Pernet, Michel; Pernot, Jean-Marie; Perreux, Jacques; Pfefferkorn, Roland; Pialoux, Michel; Pignerol, Bernard; Picquet, Christian; Marie-FrançPirot, oise; Porras, Témir-Ponceleon; Presumey, Vincent; Prevost, Frédéric; Prin, Daniel; Ralite, Jack; Ravenel, Bernard; Ravery, Jean-Pierre; Reberioux, Madeleine; Renar, Ivan; Reynal, Vincent; Rigaula, Jeannine; Riot, Michèle-Sarcey; Rizoug, Rachid; Rogerat, Chantal; Rome, Daniel; Roudy, Yvette; Rousseau, Michel; Rousset, Pierre; Royer, Bertrand; Rozes, Stéphane; Salama, Pierre; Salmon, Jean-Marc; Samary, Catherine; Sangla, Raoul; Saracino, Marc; Sassier, Maxime; Scherer, Sylvie; Schuman, Jimmy; Schwartz, Olivier; Seiler, Carine; Serras, Germinal; Seve, Lucien; Sieffert, Denis; Silberstein, Marc; Silberstein, Patrick; Silhouette, Cécile; Sintomer, Yves; Sitel, Francis; Skoutelski, Rémi; Soncin, Jacques; Spire, Arnaud; Spurk, Jan; Stora, Benjamin; Surduts, Maya; Sylla, Fodé; Taddei, Dominique; Terras, Christian; Terray, Emmanuel; Testart, Jacques; Texier, Jacques; Teyssandier, Manée; Thebaud, Annie-Mony; Theret, Bruno; Thomas, Christine; Torres, Astrad; Tournemire, Pierre; Touton, Jean-Louis; Trat, Josette; Tzwangue, Didier; Vakaloulis, Michel; Varikas, Eléni; Varin, Jacques; Vasseur, Bernard; Vidalies, Alain; Vieu, Marie-Pierre; Vigier, Jean-Pierre; Vigier, Lucette; Villiers, Claire; Vincent, Jean-Marie; Volkoff, Serge; Voorbom, Didier; Vrain, Gilles; Wassermann, Gilbert; Weber, Louis; Winterhalter, Roger; Wolikov, Serge; Xifaras, Mikhail; Yggdre, Christopher; Zarnitsky, Laurent