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{{Think Tank
|gegründet im Jahr=2009
|Adresse=Str. Stirbei Voda nr. 29, Ap. 4,, Bukarest
|Topics=Foreign and Security Policy;Justice and fundamental rights;Verkehr;Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion;Energy;European Integration;Maritime affairs and fisheries/Agriculture and rural development;International Trade/Globalization;Inneres;Environment/Climate Action;Regional policy
|automatische Einleitung (J/N)=Y
|Ist_Stab=Ghinea, Cristian ;Ciucu, Ciprian ;Dinu, Dragoş ;Silaghi, Claudia ;Tiţă, Teodor ;Niţă, Florin ;Nuţu, Otilia ;Luca, Lucian ;Panaite, Mihai ;Uzună, Robert ;Morovan, Ioana ;Preoteasa, Manuela ;Popescu, Marina ;Ivan, Paul ;Manolea, Bogdan
|Netzwerke=parteipolitische EU-Think Tank-Netzwerke;Stockholm Network;Think Tank;European Ideas Network (EIN)
|Virtuelle_Netzwerke=Austerity politics
|Gegründet im Jahr=2009
|letztes Budget=
|Budget Jahr=
|Freitext=<!--[[Category:parteipolitische EU-Think Tank-Netzwerke]]
[[Category:Stockholm Network]][[Category:Think Tank]]
[[Website::http://www.crpe.ro/|Romanian Center for European Policies]] (Centrul Román de Politici Europene) ist ein mit der Stellung Rumäniens im EU-Integrationsprozess und seiner wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung befasster Think Tank.
Das Zentrum wurde [[Gegründet im Jahr::2009]] von Sozial-, Politik- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler/inne/n, teilweise in EU- und internationelen (Wirtschafts-)Institutionen tätig, gegründet.
Das Institut wird von einem Direktor geleitet, hat, ihn eingeschlossen, einen Mitarbeiter/innen/stab von 5 Personen (Trainees nicht eingerechnet) und einen Kreis externer wissenschaftlicher Berater/innen von 10 Personen.
[[Adresse::Str. Stirbei Voda nr. 29, Ap. 4,, Bukarest|Bucuresti – 1]][[Stadt::Bukarest|Bucuresti]], [[Land::Rumänien]].[[Location::44.440468;26.093697| ]]
* [[Ist_Stab::Ghinea, Cristian |Cristian Ghinea]] (Direktor)
* [[Ist_Stab::Ciucu, Ciprian |Ciprian Ciucu]] (Programmdirektor)
* [[Ist_Stab::Dinu, Dragoş |Dragoş Dinu]] (Experte für öffentliche Verwaltung)
* [[Ist_Stab::Silaghi, Claudia |Claudia Silaghi]] (Forscherin)
* [[Ist_Stab::Tiţă, Teodor |Teodor Tiţă]] (Publikationsverantwortlicher
externe wissenschaftliche Berater/innen
* [[Ist_Stab::Niţă, Florin |Florin Niţă]] (Aussen- u. Sicherheitspolitik, EU-Erweiterung, Energysicherheit, Modellierung politischer und ökonomischer Risiken)
* [[Ist_Stab::Nuţu, Otilia |Otilia Nuţu]] (Energy, Infrastruktur, öffentliche Finanzen, kommunale Verwaltung)
* [[Ist_Stab::Luca, Lucian |Lucian Luca]] (Landwirtschaftspolitik, landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaften)
* [[Ist_Stab::Panaite, Mihai |Mihai Panaite]] (EU-Haushalt, Geldpolitik der EU, Euro-Zone)
* [[Ist_Stab::Uzună, Robert |Robert Uzună]] (Makroökonomik, Energypolitik)
* [[Ist_Stab::Morovan, Ioana |Ioana Morovan]] (Europäische Fonds, Regionalentwicklung)
* [[Ist_Stab::Preoteasa, Manuela |Manuela Preoteasa]] (Journalismus, Medien-, Informationspolitik in Europa)
* [[Ist_Stab::Popescu, Marina |Marina Popescu]] (Wahlsystem/e, Wähler/innen/verhalten, Medienstudien)
* [[Ist_Stab::Ivan, Paul |Paul Ivan]] (Aussenpolitik, EU-Bürokratie, Transatlantische Beziehungen)
* [[Ist_Stab::Manolea, Bogdan |Bogdan Manolea]] (Recht der Informationstechnologien, Meinungsfreiheit, Datenschutz)
Das Zentrum hat Fördermittel der Soros Foundation Europe und des [http://www.soros.ro/ro/index.php Open Society Institute Rumänien], der EU-Kommission und der [[Friedrich Ebert Stiftung]] in Höhe von etwas über 201.000€ erhalten.
Soros Foundation Europe/OSI Rumänien: 111.200€
EU Kommission/Büro Rumänien: 77.400€
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung: 12.500
Die dadurch finanzierten Projekte führte es teilweise in Kooperation mit anderen Institutionen ([http://www.sar.org.ro/ Akademische Gesellschaft Rumäniens], [http://www.osf.bg OSI Sofia/Bulgarien], [http://www.ape.md/ moldawische Assoziation für Außenpolitik], [http://www.dccom.ro/ DC Communication]) durch.<ref>[http://www.crpe.ro/finantatori Aufstellung von Projektfinanzierungen]</ref>
==Arbeitsmodus, Ziele==
Das Zentrum hält eine Vertiefung des zivilgesellschaftlichen und politischen Anpassungsprozess an die Gegebenheiten der EU-Integration für notwendig und will diesen Prozess begleiten und inspirieren. Es wirkt durch Monitoring-Projekte, Publikationen (Policy-Memo: 19 Ausg, Policy-Brief: 5 Ausg, Stand: 12.2010) und öffentliche Veranstaltungen. Es betreibt ein [http://www.crpe.ro/blog/ Weblog].
in standardisierten Rubriken (alle Themen werden vom Zentrum unter dem Aspekt der EU-Integration Rumäniens behandelt)
* <b>! [[Topics::Foreign and Security Policy]]</b>
* Informationsgesellschaft und Medien
* Institutional Reform/Public Services
* <b>! [[Topics::Justice and fundamental rights]]</b>
* Enterprise and Industry
* <b>! [[Topics::Verkehr]]</b>
* Competition
* <b>! [[Topics::Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion]]</b>
* <b>! [[Topics::Energy]]</b>
* Entwicklung
* <b>! [[Topics::European Integration]]</b>
* Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
* Financial Programming and the Budget
* <b>! [[Topics::Maritime affairs and fisheries/Agriculture and rural development]]</b>
* Forschung und Innovation
* Health and Consumer Policy
* <b>! [[Topics::International Trade/Globalization]]</b>
* <b>! [[Topics::Inneres]]</b>
* <b>! [[Topics::Environment/Climate Action]]</b>
* Political Movements, Parties, Thought
* <b>! [[Topics::Regional policy]]</b>
* Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud
* Economic and Monetary Affairs
* Contemporary History/Politics of History, Theory, Clash of Ideas
<references />
[[en:Romanian Center for European Policies]]
[[deu:Romanian Center for European Policies]]
|Value=Maria Georgescu,Oana
|Sem_field=Reduction of public expenditures
|Virt_Netw=Austerity Politics
|Sem_field_expl=argues from demographic trends for the necessity of asset-backed pension system and higher retirement age
|Sem_field_ref=[http://www.crpe.ro/en/pension-system-alternatives-compromises/ Pension system: alternatives and compromises]

Latest revision as of 21:08, 8 June 2015

Romanian Center for European Policies
founded in the year 2009
acronym CRPE
City Bucharest
Country Romania
Website http://www.crpe.ro/
address Str. Stirbei Voda nr. 29, Ap. 4,, Bukarest
Networks parteipolitische EU-Think Tank-Netzwerke, Stockholm Network, Think Tank, European Ideas Network (EIN)
Virtual Networks A "Virtual Network" is a group of Think Tanks identified by certain semantic and normative (ideological) commonalities (e.g. climate change scepticism). Such a virtual network constitutes a research field that differs from the study of formal networks. Formal networks are real in the sense of officially acknowledged and immediately open to empirical validation. Virtual networks on the other hand display shared ideas. Social network analysis tools can be applied to find out if or to what extent virtual networks are real networks that display linkages (membership in networks, personnel, resources etc.). Unconnected think tanks in turn can be considered special cases in need of explanation independent from network structures (unless we have to assume invisible, hidden or covered ties). Austerity politics
Last revision 8.06.2015

The following coordinate was not recognized: 44.440468;26.093697.The following coordinate was not recognized: 44.440468;26.093697.

Organizational Structure and Funding


Str. Stirbei Voda nr. 29, Ap. 4,, Bukarest



People working for the Think Tank (Fellows etc.). This includes also part-time employees.


Experts are not permanently employed at the Think Tank. They are paid for contract research when their expertise is needed. Some Think Tanks call a database of hundred or even more experts their own.


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.

  • Foreign and Security Policy
  • Justice and fundamental rights
  • Verkehr
  • Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • Energy
  • European Integration
  • Maritime affairs and fisheries/Agriculture and rural development
  • International Trade/Globalization
  • Inneres
  • Environment/Climate Action
  • Regional policy

Semantic Fields

What we call here a semantic field is the idea to categorize think tanks in a two level system. The first levels are so called 'Virtual Networks' and the second are the semantic fields. Accordingly every semantic field entered here has to be attached to a virtual network. If you would like to follow a special phenomenon among think tanks please contact us and we are going to add a new virtual network. Semantic fields are topics that promote a virtual network. Lets take climate change as an example: 'climate change skeptics' is the virtual network and 'adaption instead of mitigation' would be one possible semantic field.

  • Reduction of public expenditures (Austerity Politics): argues from demographic trends for the necessity of asset-backed pension system and higher retirement age[1]
