Icelandic Research Centre for Innovation and Economic Growth
Icelandic Research Centre for Innovation and Economic Growth | |
founded in the year | 2012 |
address | Fákafeni 11,108 Reykjavik, Iceland |
Last revision | 14.11.2012 |
Output of Icelandic Research Centre for Innovation and Economic Growth 2024 | |
<pbars ymin=0 ytitle="count" xtitle="Kind of Output" angle=90 colors=80B3E6 size=330x250>
Books, Peer reviewed pubs., Studies, Articles, Policy papers, Op-eds, Newspaper articles, Blogs, Periodicals, Podcasts (audio), Podcasts (video), Conferences, Seminars/workshops, Lecturers/talks, Briefings, Others, </pbars> | |
Presence of Think Tank affiliates in the various fieldsWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows in which fields the affiliates are present. Every presence is counted once. | |
People n = 7 | |
Presences n = 15 | |
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>
Think Tank,2 Business,4 Media,5 Politics,4 Academia,0 NGO,0 </pPie> | |
Kind of activities of Think Tank affiliatesWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows which kind of activities the affiliates conduct. Every presence is counted once. | |
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>
Author,5 Leader (CEO etc.),3 Consultant,2 Editor,0 Interviewee,0 Member,3 Participant,0 Lecturer,0 Employee,2 </pPie> |
The following coordinate was not recognized: 64.135338;-21.89521.The following coordinate was not recognized: 64.135338;-21.89521. The Icelandic Research Centre for Innovation and Economic Growth conducts research on economic growth and innovation. It maintains close ties with the Mont Pèlerin Society. In 2005 a meeting of the Mont Pèlerin Society took place in Iceland. This event was organized by Gissurarson,Hannes H., who, today, sits in the center's advisory board.Runolfsson,Bigir Thor, member of the advisory board, too, also attended this meeting. In 2012 Hauksson,Gisli, Gissurarson,Hannes and Ketilsson,Fridbjorn Orriattened a Mont Pèlerin Society meeting in Prag.
Organizational Structure and Funding
The supervisory board and the adviory board of the Icelandic Research Centre for Innovation and Economic Growth have three members each. There is no information regarding the center's financial resources.
Fákafeni 11,108 Reykjavik, Iceland
Executive board
People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).
- Gisli Hauksson, Chairman of Board of Directors
- Jonas Sigurgeirsson, Board of Directors and Managing Director
People working for the Think Tank (Fellows etc.). This includes also part-time employees.
- Fridbjorn Orri Ketilsson, Webmaster
Advisory board
People advising the Think Tank (mainly in scientific questions)
Working mode, goals
Das Institut versucht zu ergründen wie Innovation und Wirtschaftswachstum entweder gefördert oder gehemmt werden können. Dabei legt man - der Selbstbeschreibung nach - besnoderes Augenmerk auf die Erforschung von Möglichkeiten wie freie Individuen durch spontane Kooperation oder Freihandel ihr Leben verbessern können. Das Institut kooperiert mit Almenna bokafelagid, einem isländischen Verlag um sowohl "gut recherchierte, als auch lesbare" Bücher über Politik und Ökonomie herauszugeben. Zuletzt erschien ein 624 Seiten starkes Werk über die Geschichte der isländischen Kommunisten (und ihre Verbindungen zu kommunistischen Staaten Europas) von Hannes Gissurarson, einem der Beiräte des Think Tanks.
RNH is eigenen Angaben nach Mitglied im Atlas Network of Research und pflegt Kontakte mit der Heritage Foundation, dem Cato Institute, dem Institute of Economic Affairs und dem Millenium Institute in Rio de Janeiro.
Eine der offensichtlichsten Verbindungen besteht mit der Mont Pelerin Society. Dr. Hannes H. Gissurarson ist das einzige isländische Mitglied, das Treffen 2005 in Island wurde von ihm organisiert (siehe oben) und beim Treffen 2012 in Prag werden zumindest drei Vertreter von RNH anwesend sein: Gisli Hauksson, Hannes Gissurarson selbst und Fridbjorn Orri Ketilsson.
We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.
- Finance
- Agriculture
- Pol.Parties
- Taxation
- Environmental Policy
- Contemp. History
So far, three publication have been published by the center: one publication on the history of communism in Iceland, one on the conflict between Iceland, the Neatherlands and Great Britain against the background of the bank crash and one novel. On 22 September 2012, a conference took place to the topic “Europe of the Victims: Remembering the Crimes of Communism”. In October 2012, the Icelandic Research Centre for Innovation and Economic Growth organized a conference on "Fisheries: Sustainable and Profitable” together with the University of Iceland.
. Außerdem veranstaltet man eine ganze Serie von Veranstaltungen zum Thema "Iceland’s Future in Europe"
This section is used to note presumptions that need further investigation, as well as things that don't fit into other sections.
Das RNH bezeichnet die Mont Pelerin Society als eine seiner Wurzeln. Das 2005 in Island abgehaltene Treffen der Society wurde maßgeblich von Hannes Gissurarson, einem Mitglied des RNH-Beirates organisiert. Ein weiteres Mitglied Birgir Thor Runolfsson trat, neben z.B. dem isländischen Außenminister, als einer der lokalen Referenten auf. Blogbeiträge auf der Website lassen auf eine Gründung im Jahr 2012 schliessen.