Property:Sem field expl

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Showing 14 pages using this property.
States have to consilidate budget on their own  +
adasdasda sljhlkj aslljh asdljlksjd akjaksjdh  +
urges reductions of welfare expenditures to give tax cuts room  +
The report 'Statlig finansiering till småföretag?' recommends the reduction of public activities in the economic sphere and a tax reform to relieve investments and comsumption. The creation of new jobs by private enterprises liberated from regulatory and fiscal restrictions is praised as high road to cope with future demographic and social challenges instead of the expansion of the welfare state.  +
Lower social costs, cut wages  +
the implementation of a strict debt brake in the Austrian budgetary law is one of several demands in the basic position paper concerning austerity politics  +
strengthen the capital covered pillar of the pensions system  +
fiscal consolidation by »targeting mainly public expenditures« will have expansionary effects  +
The organisation is highly skeptical of the Euro and of the EU, but also of 'the state' and elites in general  +
The organisation questions 'mainstream knowledge' and proposes 'alternative knowledge'.  +
The organisation claims consistently that people in Germany are manipulated in believing those things that maintain the present order.  +
Austroradical  +
The organisation promotes natalism in order to foster the German nation.  +
The organisation criticises EMU, but also state-spending and argues for tax decreases.  +