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Showing 20 pages using this property.
free market oriented design of taxation policy  +
Innovation and ‘Nudge’ Economics – New Policy Frontiers, course in the second half of 2017 for policy managers and advisors  +
Deplores the internationally compared high taxation rate in Belgium.  +
Public debt crisis should not been overcome by higher taxes but reduced public expenditures  +
Rejects a tax system encroaching on private liberty and personal responsibility in service of the ›Vollkasko-Staat‹ (comprehensively covering social/economic risks)  +
argues for institutionalized budgetary discipline  +
discusses legal framework for the optimization of public expenditures and the measurement of cost benefit relations under the premise of public cost reduction  +
argues for a mentality of public saving  +
Introducing a brake on debt; advocacy for state spending cuts  +
The institute runs the project »Debtville«, which shall raise public awareness of the inflated and unsustainable public debt especially in the Czech Republic.  +
defending austerity measures, against Eurobonds, for cutting social costs  +
requests the abatement of the tax burden by introduction of a flat tax  +
critices the lack of sustainability of the Austrian federal budget in  +
Opts for privatizations, cutting of subsidies, deregulation  +
a high tax rate hinders economic growth even if the correlation is weaker than as stated by Reinhard & Rogoff  +
proposes to implement a strict rule to reduce the debt/GDP-ratio on regular base  +
to reduce the public debt the group proposes to substitute pensions guaranteed by the state with a capital covered pensions system  +
states greater expansion of public debt in recessions than shrinking during growth, proposes a independent body with veto power to control the budgetary process  +
"Curbing the overreach of the Government will also help reduce the degree to which it crowds out private activity (evidence of this crowding out can be seen through lower capital investment)."  +
argues from demographic trends for the necessity of asset-backed pension system and higher retirement age  +