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the deficit crisis has to be resolved through budget cuts and the economic activity stired by tax reduction  +
elaborates on the results of demographic change and the necessity of a later retirement age, pension and budget cuts  +
see 'ad austerity'  +
on sub/optimal methods to reduce public expenditures - The author of the referenced article, Eduardo L. Giménez-Fernández, critizes the pay cuts for public servants as counterproductive but subscribes to the objective of budget consolidation by expenditure reduction.  +
Ruth Lea relaunched Global Vision 04/2013 <>, site contains only informations since then. Ruth Lea is opposed to the promotion of wind energy and proposes the expansion of nuclear capacities and of combined cycle power plants. <>. Lea views the recent climate change as within the natural an to be expected variation <>. Participated in the campaign "Repeal the Climate Change Act" <>: "Ruth Lea, former Economic Adviser and Director of Arbuthnot Banking Group and Director of Global Vision. She was a Governor of the London School of Economics. Ruth will speak on the impact of the Climate Change Act (including the Renewables Directive) on energy prices, manufacturing and business." (Together with acc-sceptics: Ian Plimer & Donna Fromboise  +
Presents four strategies for coping with the eurocrisis. Focusses on stricter and binding rules for the financial policy and the process of debt reduction.  +
strengthening the SGP by creating instruments to enforce its rules  +
austroradicalism  +
Austroradical positions  +
From the abstract: "We conduct a large-scale field experiment in the German labor market to investigate how information provision affects job seekers’ employment prospects and labor market outcomes. Individuals assigned to the treatment group of our experiment received a brochure that informed them about job search strategies and the consequences of unemployment, and motivated them to actively look for new employment." (Learning About Job Search: A Field Experiment with Job Seekers in Germany. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5355. 06/2015)  +
Opts for a reduction of public expenditures as well as the tax burden to restore the credibility of french financial policy.  +
tries to delegitimize the ›high‹ level of French public expenditures through e.g. international comparisons  +
aims for the concentration of state activities on a core of functions (security, rule of law etc.)  +
aims for tax cuts to relatively expand the economic space of privates  +
critizes the everexpanding debt and fiscal burden the state imposes on society  +
vital priority of debt reduction  +
Arguments for austerity measures such as lower work costs, increasing retirement age  +
Concepts such as the ESM or Eurobonds don't address the actual problem, individual states being irresponsible  +
Jointly with EIKE the IFE (as Berlin Manhattan Institute) organized the climate-sceptical 4th International Climate and Energy Conference in Munich in 2011 and co-hosted the climate conference - update on climate research in Copenhagen 2001.  +
to restrict the public economic space and expand the private  +