Interamerican Institute for Democracy

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Interamerican Institute for Democracy
acronym IID
City Miami
Country USA
address 4141 North Miami Avenue, Suite 211 Miami, FL 33127, U.S.A.
Networks RELIAL,
Last revision 23.04.2016
Output of Interamerican Institute for Democracy 2024
<pbars ymin=0 ytitle="count" xtitle="Kind of Output" angle=90 colors=80B3E6 size=330x250>

Books, Peer reviewed pubs., Studies, Articles, Policy papers, Op-eds, Newspaper articles, Blogs, Periodicals, Podcasts (audio), Podcasts (video), Conferences, Seminars/workshops, Lecturers/talks, Briefings, Others, </pbars>

IID is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that was founded to promote, defend, inform, and foster liberty, democracy, and institutionalism in the Americas. The IID’s mission is to spread our values in the Americas through debate, academic studies, and projects at the local and international level to help people of the American nations improve their lives.

Organizational Structure and Funding


4141 North Miami Avenue, Suite 211 Miami, FL 33127, U.S.A.


Executive board

People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).

Advisory board

People advising the Think Tank (mainly in scientific questions)

Supervisory board

People supervising the Think Tank (mainly in economic questions).

Working mode, goals

•To undertake projects that foster and strengthen the values of freedom, democracy and institutionalism •To study the relations between Latin America and the United States and propose strategies for improving the ties and understanding between the two regions •To conduct academic studies aimed at looking at the progress and/or decline of freedom, democracy and institutionalism in the various countries of the continent •To provide information on the socio-political situation of Latin American countries through our webpage, as well as our newsletter •To publish books, papers and articles relating to the Latin American reality vis-à-vis the values of freedom, democracy and institutionalism •To organize and participate in seminars, conferences and other events to disseminate the IID’s mission •To promote studies and discussion pertaining to participation, transparency, integrity and civic participation, among other topics, inasmuch as these are the building blocks of democracy


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.

•Academic Research Studies and Seminars •Conferences •Publications •“Topics” Lecture Series

