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{{Think Tank
{{Think Tank
|Gegründet im Jahr=1999
|gegründet im Jahr=1999
|Adresse=Medená 5, 81102; Bratislava
|letztes Budget=
|Budget Jahr=
|Anzahl MitarbeiterInnen=
|Kooperiert mit=
|Topics=Foreign and Security Policy;Enterprise and Industry;Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion;European Integration;Maritime affairs and fisheries/Agriculture and rural development;Environment/Climate Action;Regional policy;Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud
|Topics=Foreign and Security Policy;Enterprise and Industry;Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion;European Integration;Maritime affairs and fisheries/Agriculture and rural development;Environment/Climate Action;Regional policy;Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud
|automatische Einleitung (J/N)=N
|Einleitung=The [[website::http://www.institute.sk/article.php?institute&ezin_lang=en/|Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik (CI)]] is a conservative think tank that is named after the Slovak general and politician Milan Rastislav Štefánik (1880-1990). First statements were released in 2000, among them one document of the character of a founding declaration.
|Organisation/Finanzierung Text=Das Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik is a non-profit organization and was set-up as non-investment fund.  Its annual budgets for 2009 and 2010 amounted to 131,600€ and 102,600€, respectively.
|Ist_Vorstand=Zajac, Peter;Králik, Ján;Cecetka, Vladimír
|Ist_Vorstand=Zajac, Peter;Králik, Ján;Cecetka, Vladimír
|automatische Einleitung (J/N)=J
|Ist_Stab=Dostál, Ondrej**director;Gonda, Peter**director;Kazd, Radovan**analyst;Sloboda, Dušan**analyst;Humajová, Zuzana**analyst;Kuhn, Ivan**analyst;Feketeová, Dana**project manager;Mikuška, Luboš**fund raising manager
|Personen Anmerkungen=Some of the institute’s staff is aligned to the [Institute of Public Affairs Slovakia].
|Organisation/Finanzierung Text=
|Ist_Stab=Dostál, Ondrej;Gonda, Peter;Kazd, Radovan;Sloboda, Dušan;Humajová, Zuzana;Kuhn, Ivan;Feketeová, Dana;Mikuška, Luboš
|Personen Anmerkungen=
|Topics Anmerkungen=
|Kooperiert mit (intern)=
|Netzwerke=Atlas Foundation;New Direction Foundation;Think Tank
|Netzwerke=Atlas Foundation;New Direction Foundation;Think Tank
|Freitext=<!--[[Category:Atlas Foundation]][[Category:New Direction Foundation]][[Category:Think Tank]]
Das [[Website::http://www.institute.sk/article.php?institute&ezin_lang=en/|Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik (CI)]] ist ein konservativer Think-Tank, der nach dem [[Land::Slowakei|slowakischen]] General und Politiker Milan Rastislav Štefánik (1880-1990) benannt ist.
== Geschichte ==
Das Institut wurde [[Gegründet im Jahr::1999]] gegründet.<ref>GESIS Knowledgebase zu slovakischen nichtakademischen Forschungsinstituten, "M.R. Stefanik Conservative Institute ... type of organsiation: non-academic research institute; year of foundation: 1999"[http://www.gesis.org/knowledgebase/institutions/index.asp?stock=institutions&selcat=Slovakia%3E%3Enon-academic%20research%20institute%3E%3E&slice=1&q=8545&switchto=instcountryorgen&order=sortinsten]</ref>Die ersten Verlautbarungen des Instituts datieren aus dem Jahr 2000, darunter ein Dokument vom Charakter einer Gründungserklärung.
Viele der beim CI tätigen Personen sind mit dem [[Kooperiert_mit_intern::Institut of Public Affairs Slovakia]] verbunden.
Medená 5, 81102 [[Stadt::Bratislava]][[Location::48.14067;17.11036| ]]
=== Personen ===
Board of Directors
* [[Ist_Vorstand::Zajac, Peter|Peter Zajac]], Chairman and President of the CI
* [[Ist_Vorstand::Králik, Ján|Ján Králik]], Vice-chairman, entrepreneur
* [[Ist_Vorstand::Cecetka, Vladimír|Vladimír Cecetka]], a Member, entrepreneur
* [[Ist_Stab::Dostál, Ondrej|Ondrej Dostál]] (Direktor)
* [[Ist_Stab::Gonda, Peter|Peter Gonda]] (Direktor, [http://www.cobdencentre.org/about/european-fellows/ Cobden Partners] (Slovak Senior Fellow))
* [[Ist_Stab::Kazd, Radovan|Radovan Kazda]] (Analyst, Transparency International Slovakia)
* [[Ist_Stab::Sloboda, Dušan|Dušan Sloboda]] (Anaylst)
* [[Ist_Stab::Humajová, Zuzana|Zuzana Humajová]] (Analystin)
* [[Ist_Stab::Kuhn, Ivan|Ivan Kuhn]] (Analyst, verbunden mit Pontis Foundation, Transparency International Slovakia, Center for European and North Atlantic Affairs, Slovak Atlantic Commission and AI Nova)
* [[Ist_Stab::Feketeová, Dana|Dana Feketeová]] (Projektmanager)
* [[Ist_Stab::Mikuška, Luboš|Luboš Mikuška]] (Fundraisingmanager)
Das Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik ist eine Non-Profit Organisation und wurde als non-investment fund konstituiert. Das Budget betrug 2010 laut Jahresbericht [[Budget_2010::rec_budget::102627|102.600]]€ (gerundet). Budget 2009: [[Budget_2009::131629|131.600]]€ (gerundet).
in standardisierten Rubriken:
* <b>! [[Topics::Foreign and Security Policy]]</b>
* Informationsgesellschaft und Medien (insbesondere zum System der öffentlich-rechtlichen Medien)
* Institutional Reform/Public Services
* Justice and fundamental rights
* <b>! [[Topics::Enterprise and Industry]]</b>
* Verkehr
* Competition
* <b>! [[Topics::Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion]]</b>
* Energy
* Entwicklung
* <b>! [[Topics::European Integration]]</b>
* Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth
* Financial Programming and the Budget
* <b>! [[Topics::Maritime affairs and fisheries/Agriculture and rural development]]</b>
* Forschung und Innovation
* Health and Consumer Policy
* International Trade/Globalization
* Inneres
* <b>! [[Topics::Environment/Climate Action]]</b>
* Political Movements, Parties, Thought
* <b>! [[Topics::Regional policy]]</b>
* <b>! [[Topics::Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud]]</b>
* Economic and Monetary Affairs
* Contemporary History/Politics of History, Theory, Clash of Ideas
<references />

Revision as of 12:49, 20 November 2012

Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik
founded in the year 1999
City Bratislava
Country Slovakia
Website http://www.institute.sk/
address Medená 5, 81102; Bratislava
Networks Atlas Foundation, New Direction Foundation, Think Tank
Last revision 20.11.2012
Output of Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik 2024
<pbars ymin=0 ytitle="count" xtitle="Kind of Output" angle=90 colors=80B3E6 size=330x250>

Books, Peer reviewed pubs., Studies, Articles, Policy papers, Op-eds, Newspaper articles, Blogs, Periodicals, Podcasts (audio), Podcasts (video), Conferences, Seminars/workshops, Lecturers/talks, Briefings, Others, </pbars>

Presence of Think Tank affiliates in the various fieldsWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows in which fields the affiliates are present. Every presence is counted once.
People n = 10
Presences n = 26
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>

Think Tank,0 Business,3 Media,6 Politics,9 Academia,5 NGO,3 </pPie>

Kind of activities of Think Tank affiliatesWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows which kind of activities the affiliates conduct. Every presence is counted once.
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>

Author,1 Leader (CEO etc.),8 Consultant,0 Editor,3 Interviewee,0 Member,7 Participant,1 Lecturer,1 Employee,5 </pPie>

The following coordinate was not recognized: 48.14067;17.11036.The following coordinate was not recognized: 48.14067;17.11036. The Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik (CI) is a conservative think tank that is named after the Slovak general and politician Milan Rastislav Štefánik (1880-1990). First statements were released in 2000, among them one document of the character of a founding declaration.

Organizational Structure and Funding

Das Conservative Institute of M. R. Štefánik is a non-profit organization and was set-up as non-investment fund. Its annual budgets for 2009 and 2010 amounted to 131,600€ and 102,600€, respectively.


Medená 5, 81102; Bratislava


Executive board

People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).


People working for the Think Tank (Fellows etc.). This includes also part-time employees.

Some of the institute’s staff is aligned to the [Institute of Public Affairs Slovakia].


  • Budget 2010: 102,600€
  • Budget 2009: 131,600€


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.

  • Foreign and Security Policy
  • Enterprise and Industry
  • Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • European Integration
  • Maritime affairs and fisheries/Agriculture and rural development
  • Environment/Climate Action
  • Regional policy
  • Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud

Semantic Fields

What we call here a semantic field is the idea to categorize think tanks in a two level system. The first levels are so called 'Virtual Networks' and the second are the semantic fields. Accordingly every semantic field entered here has to be attached to a virtual network. If you would like to follow a special phenomenon among think tanks please contact us and we are going to add a new virtual network. Semantic fields are topics that promote a virtual network. Lets take climate change as an example: 'climate change skeptics' is the virtual network and 'adaption instead of mitigation' would be one possible semantic field.

  • Subordinating climate change mitigation to economic interests (Climate Change Skeptics): Two members of the institute signed: The Open Letter to Attendees COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference Copenhagen 2009 - Free Trade, No Climate Taxes! <http://www.institute.sk/article.php?3116> {signatories: Dr. Tomasz Teluk, President, Globalization Institute; Prof. Zbigniew Jaworowski, President, Ecologists for Nuclear Energy; M.A., Eng. Jan Michal Malek, President, Polish-American Foundation for Economic Development (PAFERE), Member of Mont Pèlerin Society; Krystian Dąbek, Vice President and Spokesperson, KoLiber Association; Medeni Sungur, Vice Chair, 3H Movement; Peter Gonda, Economist, Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik; Radovan Kazda, Environmental policy analyst, Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik; Rachel Kania, Social Outreach Manager, Young Americans for Liberty; Doc dr eng. Andrzej Strupczewski, Vice President, Ecologists for Nuclear Energy - SEREN; Dr Tomasz Sommer, Editor and Managing Director "The Times in Now!", weekly; Dr Marcin Masny, Columnist; Arkadiusz Bińczyk, Entrepreneur; Dr Jerzy Polaczek, Editor, "Chemistry Industry Magazine”; Jerzy Majchrzak, President, Polish Chamber of Chemistry Industry; Dr Tim Evans, President, Libertarian Alliance; Hubert Jongen, Entrepreneur; Derek Bernard, Entrepreneur; Jerzy Samborski, President, European Union for Small and Medium Enterprises and Mid-Class Unicorn; Prof. Adam Wielomski, Polish Academy of Science}
