Difference between revisions of "Universidad Francisco Marroquin"

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Line 13: Line 13:
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=President of Friends of UFM
|Value=Perez de Antón, Francisco
|Value=Milani, Rodolfo E.
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Executive President in Board of Directors
|Beschreibung=Rector and Academic Director of the Henry Hazlitt Center
|Value=Calzada Alvarez, Gabriel
|Value=Calzada Alvarez, Gabriel
Line 28: Line 28:
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Treasurer in Board of Directors
|Beschreibung=Academic Director Michael Polanyi College, Treasurer Board of Directors Friends of UFM
|Value=Green, Daniel Austin
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Treasurer in the Board of Directors
|Value=Parellada, Ramón
|Value=Parellada, Ramón
|Value=Ayau, Manuel
|Beschreibung=Member of the Board of Directors
|Value=Molina Arathoon, Pedro
|Beschreibung=Member of the Board of Directors
|Value=Rodríguez Mahuad, Alfredo
|Beschreibung=Member of the Board of Directors
|Value=Ayau G., Manuel
|Dauer=dropped off
|Beschreibung=Member of the Board of Directors
|Value=Bauer, Federico
|Value=Bauer, Federico
|Dauer=dropped off
|Beschreibung=Member of the Board of Directors
|Value=Bonifasi, Juan Mauricio
|Value=Bonifasi, Juan Mauricio
Line 49: Line 69:
|Beschreibung=Member of the Board of Directors
|Value=Samayoa, Luis Fernando
|Value=Samayoa, Luis Fernando
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Academic Director School of Dentistry
|Beschreibung=Academic Director UFM Acton MBA in Entrepreneurship
|Value=Alfaro, Ramiro
|Value=Díaz, Hugo R.
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Academic Director Department of Political Studies and International Relations
|Value=Fernández Ordóñez, Santiago
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Director of Campus Madrid
|Value=Fabra, Arturo
Line 68: Line 99:
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Academic Director School of Business
|Beschreibung=Dean of the Faculty of Economics
|Value=Rio Nevado de Zelaya, Mónica
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Academic Director School of Business Administrationi
|Value=Chávez, Helmuth
|Value=Chávez, Helmuth
Line 78: Line 114:
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Academic Director School of Economics Sciences
|Dauer=dropped off
|Value=Thomas, Fritz
|Beschreibung=Academic Director Factulty of Economics
|Value=Thomas Sick, Fritz
Line 88: Line 125:
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Dauer=dropped off
|Beschreibung=Academic Director Department of Political Studies and International Relations
|Beschreibung=Academic Director Department of Political Studies and International Relations
|Value=Trujillo, Pedro
|Value=Trujillo, Pedro
Line 93: Line 131:
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Academic Director School of Architecture
|Beschreibung=Vice Rector and Dean
|Value=Quevedo, Roberto
|Value=Quevedo, Roberto
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Member of the Friends of UFM Board of Directors
|Value=Jorgensen, Vidar J.
Line 103: Line 146:
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Director of the Master`s and Doctoral Programmes in History
|Beschreibung=Academic Director of the Doctoral Program
|Value=Garín, Alberto
|Art=Leader (CEO etc.)
|Beschreibung=Director of the Master`s and Doctoral Programmes in History at the UFM Postgraduate School
|Value=Sabino, Carlos
|Value=Sabino, Carlos

Latest revision as of 03:25, 24 January 2020

Universidad Francisco Marroquin
founded in the year 1971
City Guatemala
Country Guatemala
Website https://www.ufm.edu/index.php/Portal
address Calle Manuel F. Ayau (6 Calle final), zona 10 Guatemala, Guatemala 01010
Networks Atlas Network, FIL
Last revision 24.01.2020
Output of Universidad Francisco Marroquin 2024
<pbars ymin=0 ytitle="count" xtitle="Kind of Output" angle=90 colors=80B3E6 size=330x250>

Books, Peer reviewed pubs., Studies, Articles, Policy papers, Op-eds, Newspaper articles, Blogs, Periodicals, Podcasts (audio), Podcasts (video), Conferences, Seminars/workshops, Lecturers/talks, Briefings, Others, </pbars>

Presence of Think Tank affiliates in the various fieldsWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows in which fields the affiliates are present. Every presence is counted once.
People n = 3
Presences n = 23
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>

Think Tank,5 Business,4 Media,5 Politics,1 Academia,8 NGO,0 </pPie>

Kind of activities of Think Tank affiliatesWe try to capture where people affiliated with a Think Tank - affiliates are employees, members of the advisory and supervisory board etc. - are present: if they write in the media, teach in universities or work for another Think Tank. The chart down below shows which kind of activities the affiliates conduct. Every presence is counted once.
<pPie size=330x200 Legend>

Author,7 Leader (CEO etc.),7 Consultant,5 Editor,0 Interviewee,0 Member,1 Participant,0 Lecturer,3 Employee,0 </pPie>

The mission of Universidad Francisco Marroquín is to teach and disseminate the ethical, legal and economic principles of a society of free and responsible persons. Academic disciplines: Architecture, business administration, clinical nutrition, dentistry, economics, education, international relations, law, medicine, political studies, public accounting, psychology, social sciences.

Organizational Structure and Funding


Calle Manuel F. Ayau (6 Calle final), zona 10 Guatemala, Guatemala 01010


Executive board

People leading the Think Tank in the day to day business (CEOs, directorates etc.).

  • Daniel Austin Green, Academic Director Michael Polanyi College, Treasurer Board of Directors Friends of UFM
  • Pedro Trujillo (dropped off), Academic Director Department of Political Studies and International Relations
  • Carlos Sabino, Director of the Master`s and Doctoral Programmes in History at the UFM Postgraduate School


People working for the Think Tank (Fellows etc.). This includes also part-time employees.


Members are not actively engaged in the institution, but have some rights (participation in certain events...). Sometimes members have to pay extensive yearly fees.

Working mode, goals

UFM targets the brightest students for admission and it has the most rigorous entrance requirements in the country. The University is emphatic that selection of students be based solely on academic criteria. No information on ability to pay, ethnic, religious, or other affiliations is requested at any point in the admissions process. Students of all religions are represented, as are members of Guatemala's Maya ethnic community. Women generally comprise between 47% and 50% of the student body.


We used the DGs of the EU to generate a basic list of topics. This list is going to be steadily extended. However we try to preserve a persistent list of topics.
